Celebrating 15 years of The Aldeburgh Beach Lookout

Announcing the LOOKAT LOOKOUT prize for the most intriguing image of the Aldeburgh Beach Lookout in any medium - painting, work on paper, sculpture, photography, film. Open to everyone!


Shortlisted entrants will be exhibited at The Lookout 7th - 13th September, all works will be for sale. The winning entrant will be awarded £100 cash prize plus a weeks residency at the Aldeburgh Beach Lookout

Announcing the LOOKAT LOOKOUT prize for the most intriguing image of the Aldeburgh Beach Lookout in any medium - painting, work on paper, sculpture, photography, film. Open to everyone!

Since we came to Aldeburgh in 2010 the Aldeburgh Beach Lookout has been the catalyst for many extraordinary art projects.

Here are a few of them.



Founded in 2019, Alive in the Universe is a platform for everyone from artists, writers and poets to philosophers, theologians, and physicists to come together to express their thoughts and feelings about what it means to be alive in the universe.

Its founder is Caroline Wiseman, together with members of the Arts Club Aldeburgh Beach including artist and co-curator David Baldry, artist and co-producer Eileen Haring Woods, and artist and technical producer Lol Sargent.

Like so many people, I had always assumed creativity meant artistic creativity, especially as I have always been so passionately involved in the visual arts. Then when I bought a tiny art temple on Aldeburgh beach, I began to become interested in the phenomenon of creativity and delved deep into its mystery.

I discovered that creativity is not restricted to the arts - it is of fundamental importance to all human life. It touches each of us every moment of our lives

- Caroline Wiseman -


We would like to thank our sponsors as well as others who have so generously supported us. Without their enlightened thinking this innovative global project could not have happened.

David Andren
The Arts Club Aldeburgh Beach
Daphne Astor
Susan Baldock and Giles Rottenberg
Pauline and Matthew Bickerton
Tony and Debbie Bone
Robin and Caroline Boyd
Lena and John Boyle
Francis Carnwath
Robert and Bambina Carnwath
Dr Tom Carnwath
Tony Chambers
The Paul and Louise Cooke Endowment
Georgina David
East Anglia Art Fund
Mark Fairweather
Andrew Heald of Fishers Gin
Felicity Guinness
Diana Hiddleston
Patty and Michael Hopkins
Anthony Horowitz and Jill Green
Richard and Rachel Hywel Evans
Simon MacDowell
Nicholas Marshall
Stephanie Powell
Gary Rowland and Olivia Pomp
Andrew and Juliet Quicke
John and Judith Rowe
John and Ann- Margaret Walton
Caroline Wiseman
David Ellis, Why Not Associates