Celebrating 15 years of The Aldeburgh Beach Lookout
Announcing the LOOKAT LOOKOUT prize for the most intriguing image of the Aldeburgh Beach Lookout in any medium - painting, work on paper, sculpture, photography, film. Open to everyone!
LOOKAT LOOKOUT Launches over the Easter Weekend 18th - 21st April
Shortlisted entrants will be exhibited at The Lookout 7th - 13th September, all works will be for sale. The winning entrant will be awarded £100 cash prize plus a weeks residency at the Aldeburgh Beach Lookout
To enter email caroline@carolinewiseman.com
The Aldeburgh Beach Lookout, founded by Caroline Wiseman, is a catalyst for challenging arts and ideas.
Caroline Wiseman has been an art dealer in London and New York for 35 years and continues to deal in works by major British, International and Suffolk artists. Click HERE to enter her online shop or click HERE to contact her to arrange a time to visit in person.
Search for a specific artist or artwork below
New works in our 35th Anniversary Show will be revealed throughout the year - watch this space!!! I look forward to welcoming you at the Lookout or the ArtHouse during the year.
Caroline x